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effluent treatment


Wide variety of additives with a high effectiveness and proven performance checked for the treatment of liquid effluents of all types. Solutions that optimize aerobic and anaerobic digestion of all types of facilities.


REDUCTION OF OPERATING COSTS in liquid effluent and wastewater treatment plants of all types.

Our science-based additives solve several problems in wastewater treatment facilities:


- Low efficiency. within wastewater facilities.

 - Low sludge sedimentation.

- Sewage / food plants with high levels of COD and BOD.

- Excess of filamentous organisms.

- Plants with high sludge disposal costs.

- Chemical and petrochemical plants with high COD and BOD values.

- Installations receiving fats, oils and grease. - Excess foaming - Improvement of FOS/TAC ratio.


In our laboratory, we perform specific tests to adjust doses and optimize results in all types of plants and installations.

Biological Effluent Treatment

BRET B is a silicone based defoamer, which stands out for its high dispersibility and high residual power. Its high....
ANAEROBIC PLANTS WITH LOW EFFICIENCY: Bioavailable micronutrients are used to enhance ANAEROBIC systems and cover microorganism deficiencies.
FACILITIES WITH LOW BIOMASS QUALITY (BAD SEDIMENTABILITY): Essential micronutrients for the biology present in wastewater treatment systems.
Powder formulation to nehance high flow systems.
PETROCHEMICAL & CHEMICAL FACILITIES WITH HIGH COD AND BOD VALUES: Biological formula for the degradation of organic compounds such as OIL derivatives and DETERGENTS.
FOOD / SEWAGE PLANT WITH HIGH COD AND BOD VALUES: Synergistic blend of Bacillus specially selected to degrade organic compounds present in effluents ....
WASTEWATER FACILITIES RECEIVING FATS AND OILS: Liquid bacteria concentrate for effluent treatment plants receiving significant quantities of FATS and OILS.
PLANTS RECEIVING FATS AND OILS: Biological product in POWDER form specifically designed to be applied in effluent treatment plants receiving FATS and OILS ....