BIO + 101 is a synergistic mixture of microorganisms of the Bacillus genus specially selected and adapted to degrade organic compounds present in a wide variety of industrial and sewage effluents.
It breaks down fats, oils, proteins, starches, and complex carbohydrates.
Applications: All types of biological wastewater treatment (lagoons, activated sludge, biofilters)
Industries: Sewage effluents, food industries and generic effluents.
- Increases the efficiency of the biological system.
- Optimize dump parameters (COD / BOD)
- Improves the decantability and quality of the clay
- Reduces operating costs.
- Reduces start-up times.
- Improves the response to peak loads and toxic shocks.
Dosage / Product Sheet: REQUEST TECHNICAL FILE
Presentation: Powdered product in 10 KG buckets.