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Drain Max P

POWDER biological concentrate for clearing and degradation of organic deposits in CLOACAL networks.

DRAIN MAX P Bacterial Concentrate is a biological powder product designed to provide rapid penetration, clearing and degradation of organic deposits in sewage networks. DRAIN MAX P is a synergistic blend of biodegradable surfactants, enzymes and microorganisms of the Bacillus genus.

The enzymes produced by bacteria allow the fat molecule to be broken, generating fatty acids and glycerol, promoting its solubilization.


The application of the product continues its action by developing a biofilm that provides an absorption and digestion of the remaining fat deposits in the pipes.

Uses: Sewage networks, pumping wells and pipes. Grease traps in large dining rooms, restaurants and shoping mall.




  • Maintains pipes and sewers in optimal operating conditions
  • Deodorizes the system.
  • It is easy to apply and the expected results are achieved gradually and in a very short time.
  • Save on uncovers, maintenance and final disposal.


Dosage / Product Sheet: REQUEST TECHNICAL FILE

Presentation:Powdered product in a 20 kg bucket

This product can be conditioned in a slow release fabric cylinder that is placed in the installation allowing the product to be released as the water circulates.