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Iron Blend® Iron Blend

IRON BLEND® is a balanced formulation of naturally occurring iron oxides and hydroxides that reduce the concentration of sulfides in anaerobic systems to optimize their performance. Ideal for improving the desulfurization of anaerobic digesters.

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IRON BLEND® is a balanced formula of naturally occurring iron oxides and hydroxides that reduce the concentration of sulfides in anaerobic systems to optimize their performance.


Anaerobic microbial degradation of organic substances in biogas plants produces not only methane (CH4) and carbon dioxide (CO2), but also hydrogen sulfide (H2S).

The concentration of hydrogen sulfide in biogas depends on the substrates used, and can vary from a few ppm to several thousand ppm.

Hydrogen sulfide dissolved in the fermentation substrate must be removed due to the various negative effects it causes.

For the technical and microbiological reasons described above, the biogas must necessarily be cleaned of H2S. This can be done internally by adding iron salts or externally in a filter.

Sulfide precipitation in biological systems is essential not only for proper degradation of organic matter but also for stable reactor operation. This maximizes biogas production, organic matter degradation and system performance.

Iron salts are added to the fermentation substrate through the solids feeder or directly into the fermenter. In contrast to downstream gas purification, the H2S is already retained in the fermenter when iron salts are added. The sulfide anion is transformed into a poorly soluble iron sulfide compound while still in the liquid phase of the fermenter, and is removed from the system with the discharged solids.



IRON BLEND significantly reduces the concentration of hydrogen sulfide.


  • Protects facilities and operators by helping to comply with allowable limits H2S of the same.


  • Reacts directly with H2S in the fermenter, positively affecting the biological processes that take place in it.


  • The trace elements, indispensable for the methanogenic process, remain bioavailable to the methanogenic bacteria in the reactor.


  • Iron is a powerful stimulator of the microorganisms present in the reactor, increasing the conversion rate and CH4 production.


Biodegradable paper bags that can be added to the digester without coming into contact with the product.

Bags x 25 Kg.



Powdered iron oxides and hydroxides of natural origin.


Appearance: fine yellow powder


Consult our technical department who will propose a dosing program according to the characteristics of the system.