VECTOMAX BTI is a biological insecticide of high selectivity composed of spores and endotoxic crystals of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis for the control of mosquito larvae in aquatic environments.
The application of VECTOMAX BTI kills mosquito larvae in the early stage of their life cycle.
Due to its high specificity, the application of VECTO MAX BTI in the indicated doses does not affect other insects, mammals, fish or other life forms.
Effective and potent larvicide that does not affect other insects or surrounding fauna.
ApplicationsVECTOMAX BTI is recommended for application in swimming pools, water troughs, flower vases, fountains, ponds and intermittent water accumulation sites.
- In 24 hours it removes 100% from the larvae.
- It does not generate resistance.
- Highly selective and does not affect other insects or the surrounding flora and fauna.
- Product is biodegradable.
Dosage / Product Sheet: REQUEST TECHNICAL FILE
Presentation: Liquid product in drums x 20 Kg / drums x 200 Kg / IBC Bins x 1000 Kg